Your Member Screen and Workflow
This Seeds web site is a working site. Most of it is designed for quick review and actions by members working in the Seeds Industry. We will develop a Marketing aspect for our Members as we develop.
Your activities on ASeeds will be managed starting on your Members Page. You’ll be taken there when you log in, and can get there easily from anywhere else by selecting a “Members” menu button (there are several). Heres how it looks and some guidelines.
Have a play on your members page. You won’t break anything. Please note that some of the Button options may take you to a “not available” page. Dont worry, some things are meant for only certain member Roles. As a new Member, the things you can do are limited. You can Add an Industry Directory Entry (Personal, or Business, or both). Try that now. You can always delete or edit it, and YOU choose whether it is viewable publicly or not (its always viewable by other site members).
When you get into the serious ASeeds QA business, you’ll spend some time in the WorkFlow pages (Inbox and Status). Heres what they look like.
These are reasonably straight Forward (when your used to them) and quite powerful as a full record of your site activities. If you click on any of the individual records (lines) you get access to detailed action information. And you’ll want to check your inbox regularly to keep things moving.
For any Inbox item there will be a detailed explanation towards the top of why this is in your inbox, and what you can do to progress the matter. There should also always be a note at the bottom of the page (all notes, in fact) to help you.
Finally (for now) you can edit your TurfCert Site information using the Account/Profile option.
If you have any questions you can use the Contact form (top menu) or Support Button on the Members page.
I hope this has been helpful.